Sunday, November 13, 2016

Vegas Red Hat Diva's Thanksgiving Bunco

This Saturday the Vegas Red Hat Diva's met for Bunco, food and planning session for our annual Christmas Cookie Recipe Swap. For those who do not know what that is, it simple is a party where everyone brings cookies to share and the recipe of course! This year we are going to do some Marvelous things. More information on that is coming. Here are some lovely photos of the days event.

Here is Brenda, Regina, Lois and Alfretta having fun and talking.

I told you we had food!!

Ladies hard at playing!

Here I am with Rebecca to my left and our new member Alfretta to my right.

Here I am with Lois, Rebecca and Alfretta

Gaylynne and Rebecca having Fun

Lois, Alfretta and Brenda having Fun

We had a wonderful day of playing, eating and talking of course. We also had a short meeting on our annual Christmas Party. More to come on that. All of us hope you enjoyed our day.
Queen Jackie