Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Diva's first Meet and Greet

Last Saturday my group got together for the fist time since everyone has joined, it has been a rocky start, almost all of us have had some type of surgery or something to delay us. With our Red Hatter's Hat Attitude we prevailed.

We had luncheon at Boulder Station at the Buffet, this was my first time there so for me it was exciting. (I am new to Las Vegas, mid west transplant)

We had a lot of fun chatting, getting to know each other. Went over some business and then dessert! I just had to try the Pecan Pie (Yummy).

I will be posting so flyer's for upcoming events with some of our Sister Chapters.

In the mean time if you like links to shop by here goes:


I had a lot of fun meeting Joyce, Eleanor and of course my sister Brenda.

The next get together with be Sept. 7th at the Meadows Mall for lunch, shopping and fun! See you there at 12"30pm

See you there!
Queen Jackie

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Welcome To Vegas Red Hat Diva's

This chapter was founded December 31st, 2012, after being a member for a few years I decided to become Queen and start my own group. Since I am a new Queen and this is a new blog  I have allot to learn and will work with each member to make this a fun and exciting place to visit.