Saturday, February 11, 2017

Vegas Red Hat Diva's Celebrating February Birthdays

Today the Diva's and I went on an adventure to a new Store that has Red Hat Items Hodge Podge and lunch at Egg Works. It was suppose to celebrate Doris's Birthday, but she had to go to the emergency room and she wanted us to go anyway. So next month we will celebrate hers and Marie's together. Happy Birthday Doris anyway. So her are some pictures of our afternoon.

This is The Hodge Podge Corner Store on the 2550 Chandler #47

Renee joining us inside

Regina having a ball shopping

Lots to choose from, Pirates Hats, jewelry and more.

Regina, Jackie and Regina at lunch.

Alfretta and Carolyn joined us.

It was a delightful day and we had a lot of fun. I love finding new places to shop and eat!!
Miss everyone that was busy today, hope to see you soon. #ChooseFun