Monday, July 25, 2016

Vegas Red Hat Diva's Birthday, Bunco Celebration

Bunco anyone! July's Birthday gathering was a blast, we all gathered at Gaylynne home for lunch, Birthday surprise's for our Vice Queen Regina and of course Bunco!  My whole chapter showed up to play, eat and make Merry. Here are some pictures of our day of sharing and making memories.

Here is one of my newest members  Renee getting ready to play.

 Here is Gloria waiting patiently

 Lovely group of Diva's, Rebecca, Marie, Carolyn and Lois

 My lovely sister and I

Diva's in action 
Regina so excited at her Birthday gifts

Sheila and Gaylynne taking a break

 My sister Brenda, Sheila and Gaylynne getting ready to play, waiting on the 4th

 Patty our new member, Rebecca, Lois, Renee, Doris, and my sister watching the Birthday girl

Everyone enjoying Regina's Birthday

Gaylynne our Hostess taking a well earned break

More birthday pictures

Well here is my lovely Diva's having fun

Another view of my lovely pictures

I am missing one Diva's, she happened to take the pictures, and when we tried to take one with her in it is was blurring.  I hope you enjoyed our wonderful day. I know I did.